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Christian Womens Job Corps (CWJC) was started by WMU back in 1998 here, in Texas, as a "welfare to work" initiative to help hurting families and potential employees who had been out of the workforce for any number of reasons.  Later, the first Christian Mens Job Corps (CMJC) was started here in San Angelo. Together, these ministries, under WMU, have grown to be a nationwide network with 187 sites. There are 66 sites in Texas, many in mid-size and small communities, much like the Concho Valley area.


Locally, the Concho Valley Baptist Association (CVBA) caught the vision in 2001 and sponsored this CWJC. The first class held in San Angelo was in the Fall of 2002. Since then, classes have been held every Spring and Fall under the leadership of site coordinators Toni English, Olga Cuellar,  Janelle Waddell and Elizabeth Little, respectively.  The CMJC functioned here for some time but waned due to rising overhead. Classes were for many years held at 30 N. Chadbourne and then within the Ministerial Alliance Campus at 1100 Martin Luther King Blvd. 


Then in January 2017, with guidance from the state office, CVBA and the CWJC leadership team made a few very positive changes. One of the decisions was to re-open the CMJC and combine burden of leadership with CWJC. The result of this merger is Christian Job Corps of San Angelo (CJC). In signifies ability to serve women and men with appropriate volunteers and classes.


The second change occurred in the summer of 2017.  CJC relocated to a site with multiple classrooms, better accessibility, and access to partner services within the same facility. This new-to-us facility allows for broader course offerings and better scheduling for participants. The current location is 2601 Freeland Avenue, (SW corner of Campus and Houston-Harte Access Road),  in San Angelo. 


Classes have resumed and are going well.  Sometimes when an organization transitions it can lose sight of original vision and mission.  This has not happened here. If anything, it has rejuvenated the passion to serve God  and ignited greater compassion for our neighbors in need.


We welcome you to move past acknowledging and appreciating the history of this ministry, and step into the future with the CJC Team.  God has richly blessed this ministry and he will bless you. 










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